Category Archives: Fishing Tips

Fishing tackle for freshwater fishing, including stocked dams

Much freshwater fishing involves casting or trolling lures around timber, so a lure desnagger quickly pays for itself. The simplest type of desnagger is dropped down on a cord … see them on eBay here.

Shrimp and yabbies are great baits for freshwater fishing. Strict regulations apply to the type of gear used to catch them. Various eBay sellers have yabby and shrimp traps, be sure to buy one that complies with local regulations.

Worms are also an excellent bait, see worm farm listings on eBay here.

For a fair dinkum true blue Aussie lure desnagger, try this one … eBay link here.

A 1-3kg spinning rod-reel combo (eggbeater style reel) is ideal for trout, bass and redfin. See eBay listings for light spin combos here.

A 3-6kg spin outfit is ideal for yellowbelly and small cod. See eBay listings here.

For chasing larger cod in dams, and barramundi in northern dams, a dedicated 10kg baitcaster outfit is required, load it up with 15kg braid if big fish are expected or if there is a lot of timber in your dam.

Soft plastic paddletail lures are popular and effective all-round lures that work particularly well in stocked dams. See eBay listings here. Choose the smallest sizes for trout, redfin and bass, and large sizes for golden perch, murray cod and barramundi.

Soft plastic grubs work well on redfin and trout. See eBay listing here.

Weighted jig heads are needed to rig most soft plastic lures, although some have the jig head built in. See eBay listings here. It pays to use the lightest jig head possible, and light resin jig heads allow an angler to present a more realistic suspending lure action.

Bibbed hardbody minnows work well, choose the smallest sizes for trout, redfin and bass, and large sizes for golden perch, murray cod and barramundi. When chasing large murray cod and barramundi in dams choose good brands like Classics or Reidys, as these strong fish tear apart the split rings and hooks on cheaply made lures.

There are many lures suitable for chasing trout, but a proven favourite is the Tassie Devil. See eBay listings here.

Another proven favourite is the Rapala Trout 3cm minnow. See eBay listings for this and similar lures here.

Where bait fishing is permitted, ball sinkers are ideal for bait fishing. See eBay listing here.

Floats are useful for suspending a bait. The polystyrene floats in the following listing are slid onto the line and a stopper is placed above the float to set the depth fished. For most impoundment fishing, use the smallest size. See eBay listing here.

Alternatively, especially where the water is clear and shallow, use clear bubble floats.

Fly fishing combos, complete with rod, reel, tapered leaders, flyline and flies, are available in various sizes. A 3-weight is OK for small trout rivers while a 6-weight is better for lakes. See eBay listings here.

Good-quality tapered leaders are important when fishing with light line. See eBay listings here. These are an item where it might pay to invest in a quality brand.

Carry an assortment of flies for trout fishing. See eBay listings here.

Floats are useful for suspending a bait. The polystyrene floats in the following listing are slid onto the line and a stopper is placed above the float to set the depth fished. See eBay listing here.

Quill floats are ideal for trout fishing with mudeyes, shrimp and worms.

Hooks in mixed sizes are needed for bait fishing. Suggest 4# to #8 for trout and redfin. Use 1/0 or larger for golden perch. See eBay listing here.

Hooks up to around 1/0 are suitable for bait fishing with shrimps, use smaller hooks for earthworm baits.

For trophy murray cod and barramundi, extra large hooks and lures are needed, and a knotless landing net should be used to land these fish for release, as it minimises damage to the scales and skin.

Lastly, when trout fishing, if don’t want to use traditional smelly baits, you can try a commercial bait product such as this.

Fishing tackle for the Murray River

Much Murray River fishing involves casting or trolling lures around timber, so a lure desnagger quickly pays for itself. The simplest type is dropped down on a cord … eBay link here.

For a fair dinkum true blue Aussie lure desnagger, try this one … eBay link here.

Shrimp and yabbies are great baits for fishing the Murray River. Strict regulations apply to the type of gear used to catch them. Ebay sellers have a variety of yabby and shrimp traps, be sure to buy one that complies with local regulations.

Worms are also an excellent bait, see worm farm listings on eBay here.

For rods and reels, a 3-6kg spin outfit is ideal for most Murray River bait and lure fishing. See eBay listings for light spin combos here. If you are chasing big murray cod, you’ll need something heavier.

Soft plastic paddle tail lures in the smaller sizes are effective all-round lures for Murray River species, see eBay listings here. Choose large sizes for cod, and smaller sizes for other fish.

Weighted jig heads are needed to rig most soft plastic paddle tail lures, although some have the jig head built in. See eBay listings here. It pays to use the lightest jig head possible. Light resin jig heads allow an angler to present a more realistic suspending lure action, but the light weight makes them harder to cast long distances.

Floats are useful for suspending a bait. Polystyrene floats are slid or clipped onto the line and a stopper is placed above the float to set the depth a bait is fished. See eBay listings here. Small quill style floats are useful in all freshwater fishing but for some reason are not much used in Australian fishing. Try a worm or shrimp suspended under a quill float next time you fish the Murray or a trout stream. Clear bubble floats are useful for Murray fishing when the water is clear.

Ball sinkers are ideal for river bait fishing, using a running sinker rig where the sinker can slide along the line, allowing a fish to run with a baited hook. See eBay listings for ball sinkers here.

Hooks up to around 1/0 are ideal for the Murray bait fishing, with fine-gauge hooks best for livebait fishing. See eBay listings here.

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Fishing tackle for South Australian waters

Most South Australian fishing is done with light spin outfits.

A 3kg spin outfit is ideal for gar, tommy ruffs, whiting, yelloweye mullet and bream. See various eBay light spin combo listings here.

A 6kg spinning outfit is suitable for general estuary and light boat fishing in South Australia. See eBay listings for 3-6kg spinning combos and more here.

The above outfit can be used on shallow, low-energy beaches to catch SA’s yellowfin whiting and yelloweye mullet, but a dedicated light surf rod would be better for this purpose, and can also be used for salmon. See combo listings here, or buy a light surf rod separately to use with your 3-6kg reel.

A heavier surf rod is needed for surf mulloway, snapper and shark fishing, see eBay listings here.

For boat fishing, a shorter, stouter rod/spinning reel combo loaded with 10kg line is ideal for general reef fishing in water to around 20m deep, and can also be used to cast lures to pelagic fish. See eBay listing here. Rods around 7′ long are ideal for boat fishing.

Small metal slice lures work well on South Australia’s salmon trout, silver trevally, flathead, barracoutta, tommies and snook. There are many types but the simple chrome styles are as good as any. See eBay listing here.

Use large metal slice lures on high-energy beaches where big salmon are expected.

Soft plastic grubs work well on bream, salmon trout and tommies, and freshwater fish such as yellowbelly, redfin, cod and trout. See eBay listings here and choose the smaller sizes, unless you are chasing murray cod.

Jig heads are needed for unrigged soft plastic lures. See eBay listings here. Once again, choose smaller sizes and lighter weights to help you present a lures in a realistic manner. Resin jigheads allow suspension-like presentation of lures, but their light weight make distance casting more difficult.

Sabiki bait jigs are great for catching tommy ruffs, yakkas and slimy mackerel, buy them on eBay here. Remove droppers if required to stay legally compliant, cutting a complete rig in half will usually make two legal sets.

For SA squidding, standard unbaited squid jigs such as these work well, see listings here.

Baited ‘spike jigs’ work well on large calamari squid. These jigs are cast under a float and left out until a squid takes the bait. Bait the jig with a small fish such as tommy ruff or mullet. These large baited jigs look clumsy compared with the smaller jigs more commonly seen, but they are effective … see listings here. The barbed version is even better if you can find them for sale.

Smaller squid can be targeted with baited spike jigs such as these … see eBay listings here.

The secret for successful squid fishing is to fish dusk, darkness and dawn, when the water is clear. Summer is usually best.

Floats are useful for suspending a bait, and work well when fishing for South Australia’s sweep, tommy ruffs, salmon trout and trevally. Large polystyrene floats are slid or clipped onto the line and a stopper is placed above the float to set the depth a bait is fished. See eBay listings here. Small quill style floats are very useful when freshwater fishing but for some reason are not much used in Australian fishing. Try a worm or shrimp suspended under a quill float next time you fish the Murray River or a trout stream.

Star sinkers or snapper leads are generally used on a paternoster rig for surf and boat fishing. For most other fishing, ball sinkers are used, as part of a running sinker rig where the sinker slides along the line, allowing a fish to easily run with a baited hook. See eBay listings for ball sinkers here, see listings for star sinkers here and for snapper leads here.

Hooks in mixed sizes are needed. Suggest 4# to #8 for whiting, mullet and tommy ruffs, 10# to #12 for garfish, 1/0 for bream, 4/0 for salmon and flathead and 11/0 for large mulloway. See eBay listings here.

Ganged hooks (joined chains of hooks) are often used when fishing pilchard or garfish baits for salmon and mulloway. Listings on eBay here.

Flounder spearing is popular in South Australa. A submerged light is generally used to find the fish, see eBay listing here.

Crabbing is popular in the South Australian shallows, using a crab rake. See eBay listing here.

Shrimp and yabbies are great baits for fishing the Murray River. Strict regulations apply to the type of gear used to catch them. Ebay sellers have a variety of yabby and shrimp traps, be sure to buy one that complies with local regulations.

Worms are also an excellent bait, see worm farm listings on eBay here.

Other items you may need are wire trace to stop fish such as barracoutta or sharks biting through your line, see eBay listings here, swivels to stop line twist when using spinning lures here, a filleting knife to clean your fish here, a burley bucket to attract fish to your area here, a waterproof torch here, a sharpening stone for knives and hooks here, bait jigs to catch baitfish such as tommy ruffs, slimy mackerel or chow for bait here, a sharpening stone for knives and hooks here, and of course a tackle box here.

Lastly, if don’t want to use traditional smelly baits, you can try a commercial bait product such as this.

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