Category Archives: NSW

New South Wales Fishing Reports

Kingfish swims from SA to NSW in a month

WFS Admin

How far do kingies travel? A kingie caught and tagged on October 5, 2023, in SA’s Coffin Bay was recaptured less than a month later on October 31, 2023, by a commercial vessel fishing off NSW’s Jervis Bay.

This 126cm fish travelled almost 2000km in 26 days, about 70km a day!

Tagging programs have revealed a lot about fish movements.

Young mangrove jacks for example, don’t sit on snags all their lives, they often move along the coast, before moving out to sea as adults.

Lastly, a thought. Kingfish – being mobile – don’t stick around in polluted areas long enough to pick up a lot of contaminants in their flesh, possibly making them a safer bet for the table than less mobile species.

Fish such as bream, which love to hang around manmade structure, are likely more vulnerable to contamination.

Perhaps less well known is that freshwater fish taken from dams near coal plants are often a risk for high mercury levels, as are fish from dams that had legacy gold mines on the catchment, as mercury was used to extract gold.