When to catch mackerel in Moreton Bay

Spanish mackerel are usually most abundant in south-east Queensland waters and Brisbane’s Moreton Bay between January and May.

Spotted mackerel are usually best in Moreton Bay from December to June, but are often caught in the bay all year.

Doggie (school) mackerel are caught all year in Moreton Bay.

The key to finding mackerel is to find bait schools.

Mackerel will also be found around verticle structure such as shipping pylons.

Spotted mackerel often feed near the surface and seabirds may give away their presence.

Unlike spotted mackerel, doggie mackerel aren’t usually found at the surface.

Instead, they can be found using a sounder, and are often found over the best winter (diver) whiting grounds.

Most of Moreton Bay will produce mackerel, and deep water is not required.

More importantly, fish early and late for best results, though doggie mackerel happily bite all day.

In more northern waters spanish mackerel are caught all year on the wider reefs.

The central and northern Queensland coast sees good spanish mackerel fishing between July and November.

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