Cervantes, Western Australia

Cervantes is a fishing town 200km north of Perth, south of Jurien Bay.

The coastline is mostly white sand with shallow clear water, seagrass flats and inshore reef.

A mix of temperate and tropical species is caught.

The prize catch for boaters are undoubtedly dhufish and crayfish, but pink snapper, baldchin and various pelagic fish are also sought.

Landbased fishos and inshore boaters will find a mix of species, with sand whiting along the coastal foreshores and king george whiting on the seagrass beds, along with gar, squid, snook and tailor.

Tailor and herring are caught in the surf, along with occasional mulloway and skippy (silver trevally).

Landbased Fishing Spots

Cervantes jetty at the end of Catalonia Street, is a highlight. Expect tailor, whiting, snook, gar, flathead, tarwhine, and squid, with a chance of mulloway, samson or kingfish. Squid are under the lights at night. Fish the jetty at dawn, dusk and at night for best results.

Hangover Bay is a short drive south of Cervantes on Indian Ocean Drive. A 4WD vehicle is not necessary to fish this spot. The bay is quite sheltered from southerlies. Hangover Bay has mostly tailor, whiting, flathead and herring. There is a barbecue and toilet.

Kangaroo Point is also off Indian Ocean Drive, and 4WD vehicles are allowed on the beach. Expect much the same species as Hangover Bay. There is a Special Purpose Zone here and only beach fishing is allowed. There is a barbecue and toilet.

Thirsty Point is next to Cervantes. Expect mainly whiting, tailor, snook, herring, squid and mulloway.

Back Beach is near Thirsty Point. Take Seville Street and turn left onto Barcelona Drive to the beach. This beach has 4WD access but it is only a short walk from the road for those with a 2WD vehicle. Expect mainly whiting, tailor, mulloway and herring.

Cervantes Offshore Fishing Spots

There is north-south drying reef patches running from about 1km off Cervantes’ Thirsty Point. These reefs include the tiny Cervantes Islands.

The more seaward reefs at 4km off Thirsty Point are where the ocean starts to drop away from around 10m deep, with 30m of water found about 8km out.

There are many breaking reefs so great care is required in this area.

Pelagic fish such as mackerel are found around the outer reefs.

The bottom drops away from around 40m deep to 70m deep about 25km west of Cervantes.

The Continental Shelf drop-off begins about 38km west of Cervantes, well within range of suitable trailerboats, with 400m of water just 45km out.

Boaters will find dhufish, baldchin, pink snapper, mulloway, tailor, samson fish, kingfish and spanish mackerel in the offshore waters, with dhufish best from the 30m line onwards.

Cervantes Offshore Fishing GPS Marks

Fishing the western drop-off of these inshore reefs can produce reef and pelagic fish, but unexpected breaking waves must be considered.

Roger Mo Reef (breaks)
30 30.440S 115 01.752E
Big Wave Reef (breaks)
30 31.195S 115 01.243E
South Break (breaks)
30 32.611S 115 01.734E
Corser Reef (breaks)
30 34.168S 115 03.170E
Outer Seven Foot Rock (breaks)
30 35.268S 115 03.115E

Further afield, rises in the sea floor as shown on chart AUS753 may be worth exploring, these are located 20km to 23km south-west of Cervantes.

30 36.087S 114 53.140E
30 36.685S 114 53.103E
30 39.985S 114 54.576E

To the north, Jurien Bay is another great fishing destination.

Cervantes Boating Weather

The wind can blow for days, especially in summer.

Winter weather is usually calmer, but the species mix is better in summer.

Like much of the West Coast, Cervantes suffers at times from a rafts of weed washing up on shore, which makes inshore fishing and sometimes even 4WD access hard.

Beach launching of boats is possible at various spots in suitable conditions, and fishing in close with a yak or inflatable can produce good fish.

Cervantes Fishing Seasons

Crayfish are taken from summer through to autumn and are found around most reefs.

Whiting and tailor are caught all year but are best in summer.

Crabs – summer.
Herring – all year. Use berley and small hooks. They bite day and night but switch on and off.
Mackerel – usually December to April, with spanish and shark mackerel along the inshore reefs.
Dhufish – all year, usually caught around deeper reefs, but some are caught on shallow reefs and very occasionally from headlands.
flathead – all year, best in summer.
Mulloway – all year, best in summer.
Pink snapper – widely available on reefy ground.
Samson – summer.
Trevally (Skippy) – winter for bigger fish.
Tailor – all year, best in summer.
Yellowfin tuna – summer.
Whiting – all year.
Squid – all year.

Jurien Bay Marine Park

Within the park are the towns of Green Head, Jurien Bay and Cervantes.

The park begins south of Wedge Island (South Rocks) and runs to Dynamite Bay in Green Head.

The park consists of six zone types: no-take sanctuary zones, a special purpose (puerulus monitoring) zone, special purpose (scientific reference) zones, special purpose (shore-based activities) zones, aquaculture zones and a general use zone.

Recreational fishing can be done in most park areas but special rules or bans apply in some zones.

Click here for the full park guide (external link).

Cervantes tides
WA fishing regulations
WA marine parks

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