Camden Haven, New South Wales

Lower Camden Haven River is one of the NSW North Coast’s prime fishing locations.

Watson Taylors Lake and Queens Lake form part of the lower river, and these shallow tidal waters are renowned for prawns and blue swimmer crabs.

There is also bream, luderick, whiting and flathead fishing to be had from the lower rock walls, along with access to the sea for boaters.

The Camden Haven River catchment starts in the Great Dividing Range and runs east through Kendall.

The river flows into Watson Taylor Lake, Queens Lake and Gogleys Lagoon before entering the sea near Laurieton, Dunbogan and North Haven.

The river has bass in the upper reaches.

Perhaps the best landbased spots are the North Haven and Dunbogan rock walls in the estuary, with bream, flathead, whiting and luderick the main catch.

The sea entrance walls produce some quality fish, including big bream, flathead and tailor, with mulloway best after rain.

The best time to fish is early morning or dusk at the turn of high or low tide.

Available local baits include beach worms and nippers.

Queens Lake and Watson Taylor Lake are among the best prawn and crab locations on the north coast.

During the dark moon, prawns run for sea on the run-out tide. Dip or scoop nets are used to catch them. A light is used to see prawns and crabs.

Hand-hauled prawn nets can also be used for prawning. These are 6m long nets dragged through the water by two people. These nets must be registered with NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Boaters must beware the shallow sections in the river and lakes.

There is good beach and rock fishing at Diamond Head, Point Perpendicular and Bonny Hills, with mainly tailor, mulloway, whiting, flathead and bream.

Beach worms are usually readily available but are not easy to catch.

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Camden Haven tides
Camden Haven coastline on Beachsafe
NSW fishing regulations
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