Kakadu, Northern Territory

Kakadu National Park lies at the end of the Top End’s Arnhem Highway, which lead to some of Australia’s best wild barramundi fishing hotspots.

Driving in, fishermen pass turn-offs to famous NT locations such as Shady Camp, Corroboree Billabong and Hardies Lagoon before finally entering Kakadu National Park.

Kakadu’s great barramundi fishing is associated with the vast wetlands around three big rivers.

The massive wetland catchment extend westward outside the park through to the Adelaide River.

Every year these wetlands fill with monsoonal floodwaters and fish life becomes supercharged in abundance through the bait cycle.

The wet season and shortly after is the best time to fish the tidal waters, concentrating efforts where bait has collected, especially where clear or green floodwater is flowing into the turbid tidal water.

Kakadu’s freshwater locations are fishable in the dry season when tracks have dried out.

Wet season fishing requires a boat, although there is a good chance of catching barramundi by casting around flooded culverts.

The main waterways are the Wildman River and South Alligator and East Alligator Rivers.

Kakadu’s West Alligator River is closed to fishing.

The Wildman River’s tidal water is reach by boat from Shady Camp or Stuart Tree on the coast, a long journey.

The South Alligator River has a boat ramp near the highway into tidal water. Fishermen go upstream or downstream to chase barramundi during the dry season, depending on conditions.

In the dry season “the South” forms waterholes in the upper section, many of which can be reached by track and have camping areas.

Yellow Water is one of the better known freshwater locations.

The East Alligator River is accessed from Cahills Crossing, which marks the limit of most tidal movement into the freshwater section.

There are boat ramps immediately above and below the crossing, and a campground.

The East Alligator River can not easily be reached during flooding, as Magela Creek cuts the road, and even then the road after the creek will be flooded.

Fishermen tend to drive in with boats in as soon as the water level drops enough to allow safe access.

The freshwater section of the East Alligator is pleasant and scenic but shallow and sandy.

The Wildman River has freshwater holes accessible from the highway, they are the Two Mile and Four Mile Holes, with a foreshore campground accessible further along the same road at West Alligator Head.

Beach launching can be done at Kakadu’s West Alligator Head, which is the only beachfront campground. Expect sandflies, mozzies and crocodiles, and great fishing.

Fishing in Kakadu’s rivers can be very exciting and also frustrating, but a good wet season usually brings on great barramundi fishing.

Boaters must contend with big tides, floodwaters and mudbanks.

There are also abundant large crocodiles, and these are often seen on the highway, so don’t take risks.

Reef fishing outside the rivers can be very good for jewfish, cod and snapper, but it is a long run from the boat ramps.

Travel the rivers on a rising tide so you don’t get stuck on a mudbank.

Every year, tagged barramundi worth $10k are released in this region for the Million Dollar Fish annual promotion. Some of these fish are eligible to collect the $1m prize.

Detailed fishing maps and marks for this area, including charts of fishable river rockbars, are in the North Australian FISH FINDER book.

There is good fishing in the freshwater holes for grunter and saratoga.

Night fishing works well on barramundi in the dry season waterholes but crocodile attack is a real possibility, as big crocodiles are always in the vicinity.

Wet season floodwater turns the catchments into an inland sea when barramundi spread far and wide.

The fishing improves as the rivers fall after flooding.

Barramundi congregate at floodplain creeks along the river channels, and at coastal floodplain creek mouths.

Colour changes between turbid tidal water and clear run-off are always worth a cast but the real secret is to find where bait is located.

Once floods subside there is a period of greenwater flow which provides good fishing, and tides will then usually decide when the fish come on.

Trolling the river rockbars can work well, especially when the tide turns.

Use at least 15kg braided line and well-made Australian lures such as Reidys and Classics.

Leaders of around 40kg are needed.

Big threadfin salmon are super-abundant along the Kakadu coastline and become almost a nuisance when targeting trophy barramundi.

Accommodation near these great fishing locations is at Corroboree Park Tavern. Book early if visiting in the popular dry season.

Darwin has a range of accommodation options.


South Alligator River mouth tides
East Alligator River mouth tides
Note that the river mouth high tides occur almost three hours earlier than at the upstream ramps
East Alligator Cahills Crossing tides
NT tidal variations
Latest Kakadu access report
Kakadu fishing rules
Recent NT rainfall – important for run-off fishing
NT Million Dollar Fish promotion
NT fishing regulations
North Australian FISH FINDER fishing map book

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