Scamander, Tasmania

Scamander township is on Tasmania’s east coast, south of St Helens, about three hours from Hobart and two hours from Launceston.

As well as superb black bream fishing in the Scamander River, there is saltwater fishing to be had off the rocks, beaches and offshore.

Commonly caught species are rock lobster, silver trevally, Australian salmon, yelloweye mullet, garfish, flathead, barracouta, bluethroat wrasse, morwong, striped trumpeter, yellowtail kingfish, pink snapper, tailor, albacore, bluefin tuna, marlin, gummy, school and mako sharks.

Scamander beaches produce some good fish, mainly Australian salmon, flathead and sharks.

The northern end of Beaumaris Beach is one of the best spots, with deep water close in.

Pulfers Reef off Scamander has striped trumpeter, flathead and morwong.

In summer, the offshore waters have gamefish such as yellowfin tuna, albacore and striped marlin.

The downside for offshore boaters is that it is necessary to launch at St Helens, as Scamander does not have a safe ocean access point, and you have to pick your weather.

Lastly, if mulloway were ever to be caught in Tasmania, the beaches immediately outside Scamander River mouth are surely a likely spot.

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